Town of Apple Valley
Home MenuCA Prop 68 - Grant Funding for New Parks
We're designing Dream Parks, and we need your help!
How Can You Help?
Participate in public meetings to provide input and feedback on the projects!
Take our survey HERE to tell us what matter to you!
This includes the park attractions, facilities, safety aspects, as well as overall design of the park.
When is the Next Community Meeting?
Due to COVID Restrictions, all meetings will be held via Zoom
Thursday, February 25th at 6pm: Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 892 7812 2131 Password: 92307
Friday, February 26th at 12pm: Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 832 3055 6339 Password: 92307
Friday, February 26th at 6pm: Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 874 4182 7097 Password: 92307
Take the above survey to get started!
At the end we'll ask for your email address so we can send you the meeting details.
Click HERE to tell us what matter to you!
What is Prop 68?
Prop 68 - State Parks Program (SPP) was passed by California voters during the June 2018 election. There is approximately $650 million that will go toward Parks and Recreation funding. We are planning to apply during the next round of funding which is due December 14, 2020.
The Town of Apple Valley's Parks & Recreation Department will be holding multiple public workshops to inform residents of this grant opportunity and to solicit ideas on what we should add to the Town. There will be a second round of meetings that will be project specific to develop proposals to present to the Parks and Recreation Committee. This will help to make decisions about which projects the Town might move to the Prop 68 application for funding stage.
This State taxpayer money cannot be used for park maintenance, so even if we get awarded a new park, we will have to find a way in the budget to pay for maintenance. Projects final cost must be at least $200k and not more than $8.5 million. We can apply for multiple projects without affecting each other. .
The Prop. 68 application is a point-based process. An important criterion is that a project is in an area that has less than 3 park acres per 1000 residents and/or median household income of $56k or less. At least one of those criteria needs to be met and meeting both adds more points. They have supplied us with a GIS (graphic information system) tool that helps us map out locations for eligibility
How Can the Funds Be Used?
To create a new park, expand or renovate an existing park.
So far, the Town of Apple Valley has identified four "Dream Park" projects:
- Standing Rock Property - This is a 20 acre property that the Town of Apple Valley owns which can be developed into a park
- James Woody Community Center - Rebuild and Renovation of ball fields and surrounding facilities
- Renovation of Former Apple Valley Middle School Fields - Located behind the AVUSD Headquarters
Here are some amenities that can be found at these dream parks!