Town of Apple Valley
Home MenuAbandoned Shopping Carts
Abandoned shopping carts...
- Pollute the environment with decaying metal, plastic, and rubberized material;
- Create physical hazards. For example, abandoned shopping carts in natural drainage courses can affect water flows and cause problem flooding;
- Are an eyesore and nuisance!
The hidden cost of abandoned shopping carts:
- Replacing shopping carts requires making new ones which, in turn, increases a store's carbon footprint;
- Replacing shopping carts increases a store's overhead which is passed onto to you, the customer;
- Retrieving, storing, and returning shopping carts to the stores increases abatement costs and overall burden to our residents!
Do your part...
- Return shopping carts to cart returns in the store's parking lot when done using it;
- Do not take a shopping cart off the store's property for any reason. Possession of a shopping cart off the property of its rightful owner is a crime;
- If you see an abandoned shopping cart off the store's property, report it.
Click the big red button below to report an abandoned shopping cart.